Flowjack Stainless Steel Valves 25mm-100mm
Flowjack Stainless Steel Valves PLEASE CHECK CURRENT PRICING, There are over 200 configerations in the range, Please submit your inquiry for your Needs.
Flowjack has high and low-pressure valves, fitted with a flexible arm or the standard. Arm Sizing. from 25mm-100mm all stainless
Flowjack Stainless steel was to produce a product that will
with the abuse valves from stock & made of Stainless Steel
to handle aggressive water they have 4 Sizes. listed are the basic valves.
WEBSITE flowjack.com.au for information
25 mm ss clapper 300 flexible arms & 7″ poly ball $150.00
40mm ss clapper 300 flexible arm & 7″ Poly ball $180.00
50mm ss clapper 300 flexible arm & 7″ poly ball $209.00
80mm ss clapper flexible arm & stainless Float $763.00
100mm ss clapper flexible with Stainless steel Float$1520.0
All valves are available in high & low pressure. Flexible Arm, Straight, Elbow.
Length of Arms 300mm 380mm 400mm
All valves are delivered from Melbourne.