Home Water Filters & Swimming Pool Elements
Drinking water is a huge problem worldwide. Fortunately, in Australia, the air is relatively clean, allowing us to drink rainwater and water from our bores. We have to filter our drinking water due to dust and unhealthy bacteria. We recommend that you replace your drinking water filters once a year.
Due to the enormous variety, we only display the most common models. If you have any questions or you are after a specific filter we have not listed, please do not hesitate to give Ian Lister a call on his mobile 0429 810 157.
Housing and Water Filters supplied by FSA
Filtration of Drinking Water
We have many Counter Top and Under Counter Units for removal of many chemicals like Calcium and Iron Bacteria.
Outdoor Units are available for cottages, units, homes, homesteads, wineries, and amenities.
Plastic Fully Automatic 240 VOLT CONTROL 80mm-50mm
Plastic Fully Automatic Self Cleaning Screen Filters 50mm+80mm BSP
Metal series 200 inline filters 40-200 mm
Triangle Waterquip Water Filters 100mm-40mm
Triangle Waterquip Filters for Irrigation Industrial use 100mm-50mm Steel
Irrigation Filters Plastic Disc 20mm -80mm